Sunday, January 31, 2010

Flying in 5 hours...

There re the usual butterflies filling the stomach; both trepidation and excitement. It has been a while since I have embarked on adventure like this. (Last year! ;) This morning people asked to pray for me going away to Sez while I thought, pray for someone going to Seychelles? Why? If you can go to Seychelles surely things are going well!? Of course, it is the idea that counts. A prayer to stay safe while flying a ultra light aircraft is never a bad idea! ;)

The bags are packed with just a few small things left t tuck away, the tooth brush for one. There is time for those last minute things.

Leaving home is never pleasant. But that is just the way these things go - us humans never like to move out of a comfort zone. Not that it is new to me and I know the story. Soon I will be on the plane and thoughts focusing on the new.

So both excited and filled with some trepidation (After all, we are talking about flying here right. ;) I look forward to this new adventure. I hope you will follow this space!

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