Monday, March 19, 2012

Learning to hang glide day 3

I do understand completely why some people refuse to own pools. This morning Dick and I spend a good hour trying to get rid of an air-lock in the pump system. It’s still there thus the reason for my comment. Of course the cure was to head out to the dunes for some hang gliding! :)

We had a late start. The pool and Tracey needing to catch up on some work issues (its Monday after all) saw us arriving at the Beach-hotel launch at around 14:30. It was on but I was not too convinced about it being strong enough for a tandem flight – the idea being to take Jane for a tandem first and then go to the beach for some training with Tracey. Richard “boom” had joined our flying party and of course he and Dick had already rigged and was keen to go. Just as I predicted, the wind dropped even more. Even so Jane and I waited on launch for 9 minutes before I called it quits - time to de-rig and head to the beach for some training with Tracey. Tracey of course helped with the rigging and de-rigging and all this was valuable experience.

Tracey and I running down the dunes.

Not too long after we were running down the dunes. Tracey’s progress has been slightly slow but still on par with what most other students end up with. The early days are the most difficult. It is physically demanding to run up and down a sand dune. Naturally I helped more than normal as I often do when the ladies learn to fly. :) We did 19 runs and the progress was great.

The ocean and views while training are unequaled.

Tracey said it was physically more demanding than she expected but that finally she is not comparing the sport to paragliding – it is much too different. Of course I under stand that completely and while she might not be the strongest lady in town there is nothing wrong with her spirit! ;)

Let see what the weather has in stall for us tomorrow – there is a bit of drizzle around.

Till later!


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