Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bull shark

Quick update.

We are on day 12 of the Official MCSS Whale Shark season and so far Mother Nature has not been too friendly – 12 days gone, only 5 flyable, none where we could get the boats onto the sharks. Even today there is rain out in the bay and I wonder if Neil managed to get up. I know earlier on he was fighting his instincts – to fly or not to fly!? (You know it’s strong if you are using a traffic-light as a wind-strength indicator! ;)

The other night, while visiting some friends in the yacht club, as we crossed the jetty we spotted a shark. It was a bull sharks and it was trying to outwit the fish attracted to the spot light shining into the water. For a while we were entertained by this shark’s stalking techniques, ranging from just casually swimming in from the side and trying to slide closer to the fish on the sly, to faster semi charges from the murky depths into the light. None worked. You could see the fish seeked shelter in the light, from which they could easily see the shark and stay out of harm’s way. Here is a pic of the shark. Cool hey!?

Wish you were here!

1 comment:

  1. Johan!
    Hi! I just looked at the blog this evening for the first time in months, and was excited to see all that you've written. The story of your frustrations with the lady-slipper toilet certainly made me laugh (do let us know if/how that's solved), and I'm very glad to see that the sharks have arrived once more! I'm starting my first weeks of College outside of Chicago, which mean's I'll be living through a snowy winter for the first time, so I'll be sure to checkin often to hear about sun and flying. All the best! Johanna Depenthal
